When you think of your dentist, you may only think of the guilt you feel at not flossing enough, or maybe that it’s time to schedule your regular cleaning. It’s not often that we consider the other ways our dentists keep us healthy. When it comes to sleep disordered breathing, your sleep apnea dentist may just save your life. Here’s how they help.
Sleep apnea (also referred to as sleep disordered breathing) is a condition that affects an estimated 25 million people in the U.S. Of the three kinds of sleep apnea, obstructive sleep apnea is the most common.
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) occurs when the throat muscles relax so much that airways become blocked during sleep. The brain feels the oxygen deprivation and wakes the sleeper. This waking is abrupt and often accompanied by a loud, gasping breath.
For those with mild obstructive sleep apnea, these incidents may only occur once or twice a night. For more severe obstructive sleep apnea, sleepers may stop breathing five to ten times an hour, every hour, for an entire night’s sleep.
People who experience sleep apnea report daytime fatigue and difficulty concentrating. Additionally, they may experience:
Common risk factors include obesity, gender (men are diagnosed more frequently), and comorbid conditions (e.g., diabetes and hypertension). People with large tongues, small jaws, and large adenoids or tonsils are also at increased risk of obstructive sleep apnea.
More than a minor annoyance, undiagnosed and untreated sleep apnea can lead to stroke, cardiovascular issues, and even sudden death.
A sleep apnea dentist does more than just keep your teeth clean. They can also help diagnose and treat the symptoms of sleep apnea.
You may not consider your dentist a first-line provider of a sleep apnea diagnosis, but they might be the first healthcare provider to connect the symptomatic dots. So how do they do it?
Bruxism may be the number one cause of damage to teeth, but it’s also a good warning sign of sleep apnea.
Although not everyone who grinds their teeth has sleep apnea (and not everyone with sleep apnea grinds their teeth), excessive wear on teeth may indicate that the way the brain reminds sleepers to breathe is to wake them with a sudden clenched jaw and teeth grinding together.
You may not consider going to a sleep apnea dentist for snoring, but snoring is one of the primary indicators of potential sleep apnea.
As noted above, patients with small jaws and tonsils or adenoids that are larger (relative to the size of their mouth) are at risk of sleep apnea.
Without other symptoms, these anatomical issues may not present any problems, but your dentist can monitor them over time.
People with sleep apnea usually breathe with their mouths open. Dry mouth is directly related to an increase in cavities and can indicate the possibility of sleep apnea. Additionally, your sleep apnea dentist will notice a red throat that is unrelated to a current cold or infection. An irritated throat is another sign of mouth breathing, again connected to cavities, and potentially sleep apnea.
In the end, a sleep apnea dentist who notices symptoms of sleep apnea will refer their patients to a sleep clinic for a full diagnostic test called a polysomnography. This test measures a variety of things, including any pauses in breath (apneas) that occur during sleep and how long they last.
Once a patient receives a proper diagnosis, treatment can begin. This is where your sleep apnea dentist truly shines.
Not many people consider going to the dentist for advice when it comes to sleep apnea treatment, but dentists are arguably one of the most qualified medical professionals to offer this type of assistance.
Your sleep apnea treatment begins with holistic advice on a few crucial lifestyle changes that can make a tremendous difference when it comes to symptoms.
Obesity is one of the primary risk factors for sleep apnea, and people who are overweight may also struggle with oral health challenges. Changing the way you eat can help you improve your oral health and manage sleep apnea symptoms as a starting point. This includes making small changes like:
Sleep apnea dentists can also offer other advice on how to manage symptoms of bruxism that may occur as a result of sleep apnea. One way to do this and to treat sleep apnea symptoms at the same time is through the use of a sleep apnea dental device.
Many people are familiar with the CPAP machine as a sleep apnea treatment. This device delivers a steady stream of pressurized air via a mask that fits over the nose and mouth, all night long. For many, the discomfort of the mask and the noise of the machine make compliance with this treatment nearly impossible.
Sleep apnea dental devices are easier to use and more comfortable, producing the same rates of success as CPAP machines because patient compliance is more consistent. These custom-fitted mouth guards position the jaw slightly opened with the tongue forward to keep the airway open, without the noise and discomfort of the CPAP. Sleep apnea dental devices are small, portable, and easier to keep clean and maintained. For all of these reasons, they are an excellent sleep apnea treatment option.
Sleep apnea is more than just a poor night’s sleep. Diagnosis and treatment is crucial for your continued good health.
The sleep apnea dentists at AZ Sleep can diagnose and treat your sleep apnea. Get in touch today for more information about your options.